We care about our planet
Fly our flag
For climate justice
We are concerned about the future basis of life on our planet, which is extremely threatened by climate change. Despite the draught and flood disasters and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, the resolutions on CO2 reduction and adaptation to climate change are nowhere near enough! The enormous challenges are global, and no one can tackle them alone. Everyone knows that. Everyone knows that. Nevertheless, we have so far persisted in behaviour patterns that block rather than promote cooperation.
That’s why we want to fly our flag!

Climate commitment
Yes We Care!
More and more people share our concern and are willing to support fundamental changes to protect our planet.
„YES WE CARE!“ – everyone should be able to show this message. At the bakery, at school and university, in the office, in the field, on the assembly line, in the restaurant. Just in everyday life. In the old-fashioned way with a button or sticker or in a more “modern” way on social networks.
Join in
Order buttons and stickers now
Let’s motivate each other by becoming visible. Let’s fly the flag together and show that we care about the world around us!
To make us visible, we have designed the “YES WE CARE!” logo and make it available to you as a button or sticker at cost price or as a download for you to make yourself.

Speed limit now!
Don’t trust anyone over 130
If a speed limit of 130 km/h were introduced on motorway sections without a speed limit, the Federal Environment Agency calculates that CO2 emissions could be reduced by 2.2 million tons per year. Just like that!
In times of the student revolt – when climate change was not yet an issue – the motto was “Don’t trust anyone over 30”.
Anyone who drives faster than 130 on our motorways today has probably not heard the message. Neither has the FDP-led Ministry of Transport.
With our sticker, you can publicly show that you care.